Bachelor of Science in Business Administration - Management Major (120 hrs.)
Management pervades all facets of a business organization. Operations management studies the manufacturing and service processes where many new quantitative techniques are applied. Human resources involves the study of the human factor in business organizations. Students who select this major are preparing themselves for positions in firms regardless of size or organizational structure.
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General Education Requirements – 42 hours
Communication – 9 hrs.
Humanities and Social Science – 12 hrs.
ECO 213 | Microeconomics | 3 |
ECO 223 | Macroeconomics | 3 |
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ECO 203 | Survey of Economics | 3 |
| Social Science Elective | 3 |
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| Humanities Elective | 6 |
Mathematics and Science – 12 hrs.
Other – 9 hrs.
BA 213 | Advanced Spreadsheets for Business | 3 |
PSY 113 | Principles of Psychology | 3 |
| General Education Electives | 3 |
Total Credit Hours: 42
Additional Requirements – 78 hours
Take one of the below:
BA 101 | University Experience for Ketner School of Business | 1 |
BA 102 | University Experience-Business Students | 2 |
UE 101 | University Experience | 1 |
UE 111 Online Learning Orientation for students in the online program
Business Core – 35-36 hrs.
BA 3113: Advisor will determine the appropriate class
Concentration Requirements - 30 hrs.
MGT 303 | Risk Management | 3 |
MGT 313 | Human Resource Management | 3 |
MGT 323 | Leadership | 3 |
MGT 373 | Facility Management | 3 |
MGT 383 | Principles of Project Management | 3 |
MGT 413 | Management Of Quality | 3 |
| Management Elective | 6 |
| Marketing Elective | 3 |
| Business Elective | 3 |
Management Elective: Any 300 – 400 Level MGT Electives
Marketing Elective: Any 300 – 400 Level MK Elective
Business Elective: Any 300 – 400 level from AC, BA, ECO, ENT, FIN, HR, LAW, LDR, MGT, MK
Electives – 12-13 hrs.
Total Credit Hours: 78
Total Credit Hours: 120