Spring 2022 Trine Course Catalog

Withdrawal from Class

A student may withdraw from class through 80 percent of the semester, provided the student obtains the proper form from the Registrar and obtains academic advisor approval. International students must also have the approval of the Registrar or Designated School Official (DSO) if they will be dropping below 12 credit hours.

All students dropping below full-time status must have the approval of Financial Aid. The completed form shall be submitted to the Registrar before 80 percent of the semester is completed.

No classes shall be dropped after the completion of 80 percent of the semester except for circumstances beyond the control of the student, such as illness, family emergency, or other similar circumstances. Permission to withdraw after the completion of 80 percent of the semester must be obtained from the Chair of the student’s department, Dean, and VPAA. If permission is granted, a grade of “WP” will be issued if the student was passing at the time of withdrawal.

A grade of “F” will be issued if the student was failing and will count toward the student’s cumulative and semester grade point averages. Any deviation from the policy will be considered an unofficial withdrawal, and a grade of “F” will be issued.