Spring 2022 Trine Course Catalog

Withdrawal from the University


A student wishing to withdraw from the University during a term may obtain a withdrawal form from the Office of Student Success and Retention. A student living in a residence hall should also consult the Office of Student Services.

A student who plans to return to Trine University within one calendar year may apply for a Planned Academic Leave (PAL). Details and application forms are available in the Office of Student Success and Retention.


A student leaving the University during a term without officially withdrawing will receive “F” grades in all courses and will not receive refunds of any kind, including fees and deposits.

The withdrawal procedure will not take place automatically for a student who leaves campus because of illness or family emergency. If official notification of withdrawal cannot be made in person, the student should contact the Registrar in writing.


Students dismissed for disciplinary reasons during a term will be given “F” grades and monetary reimbursement will not be made for tuition, housing, or any other university fees.

Administrative Withdrawal Policy

Trine University may administratively withdraw a student from a particular course or courses for the following reasons:

Academic Withdrawal

The Registrar may administratively withdraw or drop a student from a course or courses for academic reasons such as the following: academic dismissal, unapproved credit overload, and not completing the necessary prerequisites for a particular course. An academic drop or withdrawal will be processed according to the established drop and withdrawal deadlines. A grade of “W” will be assigned in the case of a withdrawal. The student’s GPA will not be affected.

Medical Withdrawal

As a result of medical necessity, a student may be withdrawn from a class or classes. Such requests are made through the Dean of Students in conjunction with the coordinator for health services. Such withdrawals will only be granted based on appropriate medical documentation. Once approved by the Dean of Students, the student is withdrawn from all applicable classes and is assigned a grade of “W.” The student’s grade point average is not affected. Where appropriate and with an instructor’s permission, a student could receive a grade of “I” (Incomplete).