3+3 Bachelor of Science in Education Studies and a Doctor of Occupational Therapy
This area is required for me to approve in the system, so I am writing something here. -Alison
Note: Our other 3+3 programs do not have a description. We will review this over the summer.
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3+3 Degree Path for a Bachelor of Science in Education Studies and a Doctor of Occupational Therapy
General Education Requirements - 42 hours
Communication - 9 hrs.
Humanities and Social Science - 12 hrs
ENG 153 | Introduction to Literature | 3 |
| Humanities Elective (3) | 3 |
| Social Science Elective (6) | 6 |
Mathematics and Science - 9 hrs
MA 113 | College Algebra | 3 |
| Science Elective (3) | 3 |
| Math or Science Elective (3) | 3 |
BIO 163 Medical Terminology is recommended but not required for the science elective.
MA 253 Statistics is recommended but not required for the math or science elective.
Other - 12 hrs
PSY 113 | Principles of Psychology | 3 |
| General Electives (9) | 9 |
Required - 2 hrs
UE 101 | University Experience | 1 |
EXS 211 | Exploring Occupational Therapy | 1 |
Education Studies Content - 23 hrs
Students must choose 23 credit hours from the education courses listed below. The following courses have prerequisites that will be waived for 3+3 students: EDU 282, EDU 382, and EDU 483.
EDU 111 | Education Exploration | 1 |
EDU 181 | Introduction to Teaching Students with Mild Exceptional Needs | 1 |
EDU 211 | Education Immersion | 1 |
EDU 222 | Educational Psychology for the Elementary Teacher | 2 |
EDU 232 | Educational Psychology for the Middle & Secondary School Teacher | 2 |
EDU 273 | Issues in American Education | 3 |
EDU 282 | The Development of Students with Mild Except Needs | 2 |
EDU 322 | Culturally Responsive Teaching | 2 |
EDU 252 | School & Community Health | 2 |
EDU 362 | Classroom Behavior & Environment | 2 |
EDU 382 | Behavioral Analysis of Students with Mild Exceptional Needs | 2 |
EDU 483 | Individualized Planning & Assessment of Students with Mild Exceptional Needs | 3 |
EDU 4103 | Education Studies Internship | 3 |
Exercise Science Minor - 15 hrs.
EXS 483 | Professional Development in Exercise Science | 3 |
Choose 12 credits from the following (12 hrs.)
Second Minor - 15 hrs.
Must complete at least 15 credit hours towards a second minor.
Occupational Therapy Required Courses - 23 hrs.
Occupational Therapy coursework is taken in the student's fourth year of study.
Total Credit Hours: 120