Spring 2024 Trine Course Catalog

College of Graduate and Professional Studies Academic Misconduct Process

Level 1

An ignorant act of plagiarism on final versions and minor projects, such as attributing or citing inadequately, will be considered a failure to master an essential course skill and is considered Academic Misconduct.

  • Evidence suggests the offense may have arisen from a temporary panic or from confusion. No evidence suggests that the student or students engaged in sustained or especially serious violation of academic integrity.


  • We Care Alert Filed
  • Meet with Faculty, Program Director and Advisor

Level 2

Second violation of academic integrity, when the first offense was level 1.

  • Evidence suggests Student has made no attempt to improve integrity of work or students engaged in sustained or especially serious violation of academic integrity.


  • We Care Alert filed
  • Failing Grade for Course
  • Placed on Academic Integrity Probation
  • Must Issue a Personal Improvement Plan
  • Notification of Appropriate Parties of Interest
  • Meet with Program Director

Level 3

A deliberate act of plagiarism, such as having someone else do your work or submitting someone else’s work as your own (e.g., from the Internet, fraternity file, etc., including homework and in-class exercises), is also Academic Misconduct and will result in more serious penalties.

  • Evidence suggests individual engaged in sustained or an especially serious violation of academic integrity. For example, deliberate plagiarism, purchase of work or cheating on an examination may be in this category.


  • We Care Alert Filed
  • Failing Grade for Course
  • Immediate Disciplinary Dismissal from Program and University communicated by the Dean of Graduate Studies
  • Notification of Appropriate Parties of Interest

Dismissal Policy

Once an investigation of factual evidence has occurred and decision to expel reached, by the Dean of Students and Vice President and Academic Affairs, interested parties will be notified of the Disciplinary Dismissal such as:

  • Program Director (to facilitate contact):
    • Associated Faculty
    • Director of Campus Safety (Issuance of No Trespass Order)
    • Angola Police Department (Issuance of No Trespass Order)
    • Vice President of Academic Affairs
    • Executive Director of Office of International Studies