Spring 2024 Trine Course Catalog

President’s Welcome Message

Dear Trine Student,

Welcome to the Trine University family! It is our mission to promote your intellectual and personal development through professionally focused and formative learning opportunities, preparing you to succeed, lead and serve. With an educational heritage spanning nearly 140 years, we have taught generations of successful learners and plan to do so for years to come.

Our expectations for academic excellence will serve you well, even before you graduate, as many of you will find jobs and internships with companies who know our reputation. After graduation, you will find that having Trine University on your resume will carry immense clout with employers. More than 1,900 respected businesses, companies, and organizations around the world seek out our graduates because of the quality of a Trine education.

Our job-placement numbers speak for themselves. We have consistently placed more than 99 percent of our graduates in graduate school or found meaningful employment within six months of graduation. Our graduates also go on to pursue doctorates at schools such as Yale, Stanford, University of Michigan and Case Western.

In the last decade we have experienced transformative changes. These changes will continue because of the vision of our administration, faculty, staff, trustees, community and – most importantly – you. We focus on your future. You are our most valuable asset and, quite frankly, the reason we’re here.

Your professors will expect active participation, collaboration, theoretical study, and creativity. We are giving you the tools – quality teaching, labs, resources, technology, support – to be successful in your college career and beyond. It’s up to you to use them. We believe in you and look forward to the day we receive word that you got your dream job or were accepted to graduate school.

That’s why we’re here – to help prepare you to succeed, lead, and serve.

Please feel free to stop by my office anytime. My door is always open.


John Shannon, Ph.D.
Trine University