Spring 2023 Trine Course Catalog

Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering (128 Hours)

The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering offers the following degrees:

  • Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering
  • Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering
  • Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering

Both the electrical engineering program and the computer engineering program are accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET, www.abet.org.

To prepare students for the innovative work required in these areas, students are provided an undergraduate preparation with a foundation in mathematics and science, proper development in communication skills, an understanding of the relevance and impact of engineering and technology on society, and a combination of classroom study and “hands on” laboratory experience.

In addition to academic activities, engineering experience has become a major factor in acquiring a desired position upon graduation. A Cooperative Educational Program (Co-op) is available to enhance the educational experience and provide necessary industrial experience; students are encouraged to participate in this optional program, and the department and Career Services offer help to any student seeking Co-op or summer employment in the majors.


The Mission in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering is to provide students with the nurturing environment of a small school accompanied by academically rigorous programs that prepare graduates for either immediate employment or entry to graduate school.


The computer, electrical and software engineering programs meet the needs of students, alumni, employers and the faculty by assuring that a few years after graduation:

  1. Graduates embrace problem solving and learning as a natural aspect of their work.
  2. Graduates value and are valued by their professional teammates.
  3. Graduate have broad and deep knowledge of the technical issues that they face.


As specified by the accrediting body, our engineering programs assure that graduates will be able to:

  1. Identify, formulate and solve complex engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science and math
  2. Apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified needs with consideration of public health, safety and welfare as well as global, cultural, social, environmental and economic factors.
  3. Communicate effectively with a range of audiences.
  4. Recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations and make informed judgements which must consider the impact of engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental and societal contexts.
  5. Function effectively on a team whose members together provide leadership, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, establish goals, plan tasks and meet objectives.
  6. Develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze and interpret data and use engineering judgement to draw conclusions.
  7. Acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies.


The Trine University Electrical and Computer Engineering Departments fulfills its Mission by providing a dedicated and enhanced learning environment featuring the following components:

  • curriculum: rigorous, but carefully shaped to provide a path to success;
  • faculty: committed to an excellent undergraduate learning experience;
  • classrooms: sized and equipped to promote personal attention;
  • laboratories: equipped to provide an excellent laboratory experience through many hands-on experiments with direct guidance from full-time faculty;
  • mentoring: promoted at all levels – faculty to student and upperclassman to underclassman;
  • peer interaction: fostered by team assignments in classes and membership in student organization.

Degree Requirements

The software engineering degree program requires 128 semester hours of study comprising 41 hours of University general education, 6 additional hours of mathematics and 3 additional hours of mathematics or science beyond the general education requirement and 78 hours of program-specific requirements. The program-specific requirements include 2 hours of general engineering courses, 42 hours of required computer science, electrical and software engineering core courses, 2 hours of engineering science elective courses, 12 hours of COM 343, ECE 361 & 363, CO 453, or any CS- or SE- prefixed elective courses, and 8 hours of open and 12 hours of guided electives. Students are encouraged to use the 17 elective hours to meet the requirements for a minor in an area of their interest.

This division of courses is planned to assure that software students complete lecture and laboratory courses in: circuits, analog electronics, digital electronics, signals, integrated systems, an advanced electrical engineering elective area, and a capstone design project. The format of laboratories and design projects is such that students will experience working as an individual, working with a same-discipline partner or small team, and finally working as part of a multi-disciplinary team.

The degree requirements may be fulfilled with the Trine courses listed below or others at the department’s discretion. For curriculum-related details, see the Department Chair.

International Transfer Credit: 

The software engineering program will not accept international transfer credit toward required courses unless the institution granting the credit is either accredited by an agency recognized by the U.S. Department of Education (e.g. Higher Learning Commission) or from a program that is ABET accredited. In all cases, the transcripts must be translated into English to the satisfaction of both the Director of Transfer Pathways and Evaluations and the software engineering Program Chair. In addition, the transcript must be accompanied by supporting documentation in English that clearly indicates course content and prerequisites. Transfer credit evaluation will then be made based on the policy in the Trine University course catalog.

A student may appeal the denial of transfer credit by contacting the software engineering Program Chair. The Program Chair will then direct the student to the Registrar’s office, so that the student may arrange to demonstrate course knowledge using the ‘University Credit by Exam’ as spelled out in the University catalog.

General Education Requirements - 41 hours

Communication – 9 hrs.

ENG 133Technical Communication


HUM 203Humanities Seminar


SP 203Effective Speaking


Humanities and Social Science – 9 hrs.

Social Science Elective (3)


Humanities Elective (3)


Humanities or Social Science Elective


Mathematics and Science – 23 hrs.

MA 134Calculus I


MA 164Calculus II


MA 213Calculus III



CH 104General Chemistry I



BIO 114Principles of Biology I



PH 224University Physics I


PH 234University Physics II


Additional Requirements - 9 hours


MA 393Probability & Statistics


MA 473Graph Theory & Combinatorics


Math or Science Elective (3)


Core Requirements - 78 hours

General Engineering – 2 hrs.

GE 101Introduction To Engineering


GE 401Professional Practice


Electives – 8 hrs.

Any college-level courses

Restricted Electives – 12 hrs.

9 Hours of Restricted Electives

Nine hours of any 300-level or higher courses in the Jannen School of Arts & Sciences or the College of Business or Engineering is pre-approved, as are courses that require calculus as a prerequisite. 100 or 200 level courses can be approved by the departmental curriculum committee.

3 Hours of Restricted Electives

Three hours in the Humanities or Social Sciences, beyond the General Education Requirement.

Engineering Science – 2 hrs.

ES 382Engineering Economics


Software Engineering Core – 42 hrs.

CS 1113Introduction to Object-Oriented Program


CS 1123C++ & Object Oriented Design


CS 2103Algorithm Design & Analysis


ECE 261Digital Systems Laboratory


ECE 263Digital Systems


ECE 271Microcontrollers Laboratory


ECE 273Microcontrollers


ECE 371Embedded Systems Laboratory


ECE 373Embedded Systems


SE 4001Contemporary Issues for Engineering


SE 4002Project Management


SE 4003/ECE 4003Design Project


SE 153Client-side Databases


SE 233Systems Programming


SE 353Software Engineering


SE 383Computer Security


SE 393Software Patterns & Team Development


Software Engineering Concentration – 12 hrs.

Chosen from below for a total of 12 credit hours:

COM 343Web Content Management



ECE 361Logic & Computer Design Laboratory



ECE 363Logic & Computer Design



CO 453Co-Op Work Experience



CS or SE prefixed courses


Total Credit Hours: 128