Spring 2021 Trine Course Catalog

Dual Enrollment (Dual Credit Program for High School Students)

Through the Dual Enrollment Program, Trine University provides an opportunity for high school students to earn dual credit (college and high school credit simultaneously). Dual Enrollment is a non-degree seeking program. Courses are offered in the following ways:

  • On Trine University’s main campus and at its educational centers. These courses enroll both Trine University students and high school students.
  • Online
  • On the campuses of participating high schools

To qualify for the Dual Enrollment Program, students must meet the following requirements: submit an official Dual Enrollment application and a current high school transcript, be in good academic standing in high school (GPA of B or higher or by recommendation of the high school guidance counselor), successfully complete the sophomore year of high school, and be currently enrolled in a public, private, or home school.

Courses on campus and online are offered throughout the calendar year, and students may register for any courses in which they meet the prerequisites. Courses on high school campuses are offered during the school year, and high schools only offer specific courses. Tuition is set at a significantly reduced rate. Students taking courses on the campuses of Trine University or online must provide the books specified by the course syllabus; students enrolled in the Dual Enrollment Program generally rent books through their regular high school book rental program (this is decided by the participating high school).

All Dual Enrollment students must sign enrollment forms which cover the policies and procedures related to the Dual Enrollment participation. Dual Enrollment students are registered students with the University and must abide by all applicable policies stated in both the Dual Enrollment Handbook and the Trine University Student Handbook.

Non-Degree Seeking Students in Dual Enrollment

A high school student in the non-degree Dual Enrollment Program may earn up to 90 credit hours. If the student completes all academic course requirements to earn an associate degree, the student will be awarded an associate degree on the condition the student attends Trine University directly after high school graduation and successfully completes one semester as a full-time degree-seeking student.

Trine University Dual Enrollment Program is a member of the National Alliance of Concurrent Enrollment Partnerships (NACEP).

More information is available at trine.edu or by calling the Dual Enrollment office at 260.665.4648 or 260.665.4655.